Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How to calculate the weight

How to calculate the weight It is not possible to know the appropriate and ideal weight for a person in relation to his height simply by looking at the diagram for this. Rather, we must know the percentage
How to calculate the weight

of muscles, bones, and fats that make up the body mass. It is worth noting that the amount of body fat can be calculated by calculating the B MI But it is taken into account that this method is not the ideal and most accurate method, but rather it gives an assessment of the fat mass in any body, [1] and the B MI can be calculated by applying the following formula, Namely: Volume 0% (B MI = weight in kilograms ÷ (a Length meters) ²). [2] body mass index B MI helps to know: [3] decrease in weight: If the lower body mass index of 18.5. A healthy and ideal weight: if the index is between 18.5 to 24.9. Weight gain: if the index is between 25 and 29.9. Obesity and excessive weight: if the index is 30 or more. Healthy weight by age The body mass index is used to calculate the weights of adults who are at least 20 years old, and it should be noted here that this indicator becomes less accurate when measuring the weights of people who are old, because the muscle and bone mass in the body becomes Less weight than fat mass, especially after the age of seventy. [4] Volume 0% Healthy weight for muscle owners Those who play bodybuilding may exceed the body mass index of ideal weight, as they get an index of extra weight, because their muscle mass weighs more than Their body fat mass, so they are recommended to visit Doctor to perform blood tests and pressure, to ensure their safety and health. [5]